Wikipedia is a vast encyclopedia. The health topics in Wikipedia is so vast that common man cannot organize the topics. So we have selected topics which will be useful for common man, organized them and presented here. Stay tuned...We will be updating more.

Common Problems (Symptoms):
| Headache | Migraine | Backache | JointPains | Fever | Cough | ThroatInfection | Breathlessness | HeartBurn | ChestPain | Nausea | Vomiting | GasInAbdomen  | Belching | Diarrhoea | Jaundice | PainAbdomen | Dysuria | Hiccups | Snoring |
Blood in:| Nose(Epistaxis) | Sputum(Haemoptysis) | Vomitus(Haematemesis) | Stool(Haematochezia) | Urine(Haematuria) |

Common Risk factors of Health
| Anxiety | Alcoholism | BloodPressure(Hypertension) | CigarSmoking | ChewingGutka | Cholesterol | Diabetes(HighBloodSugar) | DrugAddiction | EnergyDrinkAbuse | FastFood | FatDeposition(Obesity) | GamingAddiction | | SedentaryLifestyle |

| Fever | Flu-ViralFever | Upper-RTI | Typhoid | Malaria | Dengue | ChikungunyaFever | RespiratoryTractInfection-Upper | RespiratoryTractInfection-Lower | UrinaryTractInfection-UTI | Boil-SkinInfection | Abscess | Cellulitis | Sepsis |

Diet: | Nutrition | Dieting | Protein-Nutrient | FoodCalories |
| Exercise | Walking | Jogging | Running | Cycling | Swimming | SkippingRope | Yoga | YogaPosesList | Pilates | Skating | Rowing | ExercisePhysiology | AerobicExercise | AnaerobicExercise |
Gym: | Gym | TreadMill | Cross-Trainer | StationaryCycling | WeightTraining | WeightTrainingList | BodyWeightExercise | BodyBuilding |
Nutrition: | NutritionBodyBuildingSupplements |
Weightloss Surgery: | BariatricSurgery | GastricSleeve | GastricBanding | GastricBypass | BMI-BodyMassIndex | Obesity |
Body Shaping Surgery: | Liposuction |

Diagnostics or Lab facility
| MedicalDiagnostics | BloodTests | UrineAnalysis | StoolExamination | MedicalImaging | Endoscopy |
Blood tests: | LiverFunctionTests-LFT | ABG-ArterilaBloodGas Analysis | ThyroidFunctionTest | GlycatedHaemoglobin |
Radiology: | MedicalImaging | X-Ray | Ultrasound | CT-scan | MRI-scan | Fluoroscopy | Mammography | Angiography | NuclearMedicine |
Heart: | ChestX-Ray | ECG | Echocardiagram | TMT-CardiacStressTest | CardiacAngiogram | CardiacMarkers |
Urology: | KUB-Xray | IVP | UltrasoundAbdomen | CT-Abdomen |
Scopy: | Endoscopy | Laparoscopy | Hysteroscopy | Bronchoscopy | Colonoscopy | VirtualColonoscopy |

Surgical Faculties
| Surgery | Eye | ENT | GeneralSurgery | OrthopaedicSurgery | Obstetrics | Gynaecology | GastroSurgery | ColoRectalSurgery | Urology | PlasticSurgery | PaediatricSurgery | NeuroSurgery | CardiacSurgery | CardioThoracicSurgery | VascularSurgery | CancerSurgery | ReproductiveSurgery | OrganTransplantation | TraumaSurgery | WeightlossSurgery | EndocrineSurgery | Oral-MaxilloFacialSurgery | Laparoscopy(Keyhole)Surgery | OpenAbdomenSurgery | AppendixSurgery | GallStoneSurgery | HerniaSurgery |

Medical Faculties
| Anaesthesia | Dermatology | Neurology | Cardiology | ChestPhysician | Nephrologist | Gastroenterologist | Oncology-Cancer | Rheumatology | Endocrinology | Paediatrics-Children | Geriatrics-OldAge | Haematology | InfectionDiseases | EmergencyMedicine |

Viral Diseases
| HIV-AIDS | Hepatitis-A | Hepatitis-B | Hepatitis-C | Herpes | Zoster | ChickenPox | Mumps | Rabies |

Preventive Medicine
| Vaccination | PreventiveMedicine | HealthPromotion | HumanNutrition | Hygiene | Sanitation | OccupationalSafety | SmokingCessation | VectorControl | WaterborneDiseases |

Human body -- System wise Problems & Treatment  
| Anaesthesia | GeneralAnaesthesia | SpinalAnaesthesia | EpiduralAnaesthesia | LocalAnaesthesia | BrachialPlexusBlock | DentalAnaesthesia | AirwayManagement | TrachealIntubation | FitnessAssessment | Fitness-MallampatiScore | AnaesthesiaMachine | LaryngealAirwayMask | AnaesthesiaDrugs | CPR-CardioPulmonaryResuscitation | ICU |
Airway attached systems ( Dental, Eye, ENT )
--Dental: | OralHygiene | OralHealth-WHO | ToothBrush | ToungeCleaner | DentalFloss | MouthWashHumanTooth | DentalPaqueDentalCaries | CariesVaccine | ToothAche | Gingivitis | Periodontitis | DentalCleaning | RootCanalTreatment | DentalImplant | ToothExtraction | Dentures | DentalCrowns | DentalDirectory | DentalSurgery |

--EYE: | VisionDefects ( ShortSight | LongSight | AgedReadingDefect ) | EyeLidDiseases | ConjunctivitisCataract | Glaucoma | DiabeticRetinopathy | Blindness | RefractiveSurgery | LASIK-surgery | LASEK-surgery | CataractSurgery | GlaucomaSurgery |

--ENT: | CommonCold | Sinusitis | ThroatInfection | Tonsillitis | Laryngitis | Mastoiditis | Adenoidectomy | Tonsillectomy | Tracheostomy | Dizziness | NoseCorrection |

